This page collects all publications I’ve made over the years.
Below are books I’ve published or co-authored. It’s best to order copies of my books through the publishers’ websites.

(2024) Correspondance croisée 1869-1873: Maurice Bouchor, Félix Bourget, Paul Bourget, Georges Hérelle et Adrien Juvigny, Michael Rosenfeld, Clive Thomson (eds.), with the collaboration of Daniel Ridge, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 908p.

(2023) Quelques pas dans l’en-deçà. Entretiens mémoriels avec le docteur Michel Guenkine, Paris, Atlande, 120p.

(2023) Quand c’est possible, c’est faisable! Entretiens mémoriels avec Colette Becker, Paris, Atlande, 204p.

(2021) On croit comprendre le monde avec ça! Entretiens mémoriels avec Henri Mitterand, Paris, Atlande, 240p.

(2017) Autobiographie et homosexualité en France au XIXe siècle de Philippe Lejeune, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 77p.

(2017) Fières archives: documents autobiographiques d’homosexuels ‘fin de siècle’, Clive Thomson, Philippe Artières (eds.), Paris, Atlande, 140p.

(2014) Georges Hérelle: archéologue de l’inversion sexuelle ‘fin de siècle’, Paris, Éditions du Félin, 365p.

(2012) Dialogues with Bakhtinian Theory: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference, Mykola Polyuha, Clive Thomson, Anthony Wall (eds.), London, Mestengo Press, 434p.

(2005) Mikhaïl Bakhtine et la pensée dialogique: colloque de Cerisy, Clive Thomson, André Collinot (eds.), London, Mestengo Press, 242p.

(1999) Règles du genre et inventions du génie, Clive Thomson, André Collinot (eds.), London, Mestengo Press, 319p.

(1998) Le Discours scientifique comme porteur de préjugés? Scientific Discourse as Prejudice Carrier? Alain Goldschläger, Clive Thomson (eds.), London, Mestengo Press, 200p.

(1995) Dialogism and Cultural Criticism, Alain Goldschläger, Clive Thomson (eds.), London, Mestengo Press, 251p.

(1990) Butor Pluriel, Kingston, Mireille Calle-Gruber, Clive Thomson (eds.), Département d’études françaises, Queen’s University, 82p.

(1990) Mikhaïl Bakhtin and the Epistemology of Discourse, Clive Thomson (ed.), Berlin, Brill, Critical Studies Series.

(1989) Dire la parodie: colloque de Cerisy, Clive Thomson, Alain Pagès (eds.), New York, Berne, Peter Lang, 397p.

(1988) Navigating Meech Lake: The 1987 Constitutional Accord, Kingston, Clvie Thomson (ed.), Queen’s University, Institute of Intergovermental Relations, Reflections Series, 64p.

(1984) Le singe à la porte: vers une théorie de la parodie, Groupar (Pierre Gobin, Jean-Jacques Hamm, Mary-Lou Kaitting, Clive Thomson, Max Vernet, Anthony Wall, eds.), New York, Berne, Peter Lang, 177p.
Issues of academic journals, edited
(2021) Zola et les médecins, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 95. (co-edited with Michael Rosenfeld).
(2016) Mikhaïl Bakhtin: His time and Ours, Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Sao Paulo, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil 11.2.
(2001) Bakhtin in the History and Genealogy of Twentieth-Century Theory, Dialogism: An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies, 5.6.
(1995) Émile Zola, lectures au féminin, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 69.
(1993) The Work of Mikhaïl Bakhtin, The University of Ottawa Quarterly, 53.
(1990) Mikhaïl Bakhtin and Shifting Paradigms, Critical Studies, 2.1/2.
(1987-1990) Queen’s Quarterly. (4 issues per year, co-edited with Marcia Sweet)
(1984) Mikhaïl Bakhtin, Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, 9.1.
(1983-1996) Le Bulletin Bakhtine / The Bakhtin Newsletter, 1983, 1, 30p.; 1986, 2, 147p.; 1991, 3, 124p.; 1993, 4, 72p.; 1996, 5, 274p.
(1978) Zola: les années d’apprentissage, University of Ottawa Quarterly, 48.4. (co-edited with John A. Walker)
(2025) Queer experiences in Parisian collèges between 1869 and 1873, Queer Realms of Memory: Marginal Sexualities and Identities in the French National Narrative, Siham Bouamer, Denis M. Provencher, Ryan K. Schroth, (eds.) Liverpool, Liverpool University Press (co-authored with Michael Rosenfeld).
(2023) Gabriele D’Annunzio and Georges Hérelle: Virility, Machismo and the Homoerotic, Gabriele D’Annunzio and World Literature: Multilingualism, Translation, Reception, Elisa Segnini, Michael Subialka, (eds.), Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2023, pp. 123-140.
(2023) Appelez-nous dès votre retour, Henri Mitterand, au bonheur des œuvres: analyses et témoignages, Olivier Lumbroso, Alain Pagès, Dominique Rincé, (eds.), Paris, Nathan, pp. 77-83.
(2022) Dr Georges Saint-Paul, Man of science, The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola, Michael Rosenfeld (ed.), with William A. Peniston, New York, Columbia University Press, pp. 149-167.
(2019) À la frontière des savoirs: Paris d’Émile Zola: ‘Ne rien entendre aux théories’, Émile Zola et le Naturalisme: mélanges offerts à Alain Pagès, Olivier Lombroso, Jean-Sébastien Macke, Jean-Michel Pottier, (eds.), Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, pp. 161-170.
(2019) À l’écoute de l’inconnaissable: entretien de Jelena Jovicic avec Clive Thomson, The Unknowable in Literature and Material Culture: Essays in Honour of Clive Thomson, Margot Irvine, Jeremy Worth, Cambridge, (eds.), UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 198-210.
(2017) Dr Georges Saint-Paul, homme de science, Confessions d’un homosexuel à Émile Zola: roman d’un inverti, Michael Rosenfeld, (ed.), Paris, Nouvelles Éditions Jean-Michel Place, pp. 203-222.
(2016) ‘Mes parents et la guerre’, Chapitre 16, Au Fond (Ph. Artières), Paris, Éditions du Seuil, pp. 113-120.
(2014) De la pédérastie à l’homosexualité: la perversion comme site d’un nouveau rapport entre médecin et patient (1880-1900), Actes du colloque: Médecine, sciences de la vie et littérature en France et en Europe, de la Révolution à nos jours, Lise Dumasy-Queffélec, Hélène Spengler (eds.), Grenoble, Presses de l’Université Stendhal de Grenoble 3, pp. 161-174; also published in: Itinerarios. Revista de estudios lingüisticos, literarios, hisotricos y antropologicos, 10, 2009, pp. 241-251.
(2012) Preface, Dialogues with Bakhtinian Theory: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference, London, Mestengo Press, pp. 15-23 (co-authored with M. Polyuha, A. Wall).
(2012) Rereading Mikhaïl Bakhtin’s Toward a Philosophy of the Act, Re-reading/La relecture: Essays in Honour of Graham Falconer, Rachel Falconer, Andrew Oliver (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 167-171.
(2011) Masquerade, Femininity, Sexe, and the Lac/analyst, Sexual Identity and the Unconscious, Colette Soler (ed.), Paris, Les Formations Cliniques du Champ Lacanien, pp. 107-122 (co-authored with Doron Almagor).
(2011) Psychoanalysis, Countertransference, and the Dialogical Principle, Chronotope and Environs: Festschrift for Nikolay Pan’kov, Authors’ Collective, (ed.), Moscow, Barant, pp. 351-361.
(2009) Are All Analysts Women? Anxiety: The Affect of the Real, Colette Soler, (ed.), Paris, Les Formations Cliniques du Champ Lacanien, pp. 55-68 (co-authored with Doron Almagor).
(2006) Psychoanalysis, Democracy, and Dialogism, Proceedings of the Twelth International Mikhail Bakhtin Conference, Mika Lähteenmäki, H. Dufva, S. Leppänen, P. Varis (eds.) Jyvaskyla, Finland, Department of Languages, University of Jyväskylä; also published in: Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Sao Paulo, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1, 2010, pp. 155-165.
(2004) André Belleau: penseur hétérochronotopique, Bakhtinski Sbornik, Vitalii Makhlin, (ed.), Moscow, Sbornik, pp. 562-568; also published in Portuguese: André Belleau: pensador heterocronotopico, Vinte ensaios sobre Mikhail Bakhtin, Alberto Faraco et al. (eds.), Petropolis, Aditora Vozes, 2006, pp. 280-289.
(1997) Bajtin en Francia y Quebec, Voces en el umbral: Bajtin y el dialogo a través de las culturas, Ramon Alvarado, Lauro Zavala (eds.), Mexico City, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco, pp. 367-384; also published in Russian: Mikhaïl Bakhtin: Pro and Contra, 2, C. H. Kazakov (ed.), Saint-Petersburg, pp. 383-399.
(1993) Bakhtin and Feminist Projects: Judith Butler’s ‘Gender Trouble’, Bakhtin, Carnival and Other Subjects, (ed.) David Shepherd, Critical Studies Series, 3.2, 4.1-2, Amsterdam, Rodopi, pp. 210-228; also published in Spanish: Bajtin y los proyectos feministas: ‘Problemas de género’ de Judith Butler, Escritos, Revista de Centro de Ciencias del Lenguaje, 15-16,1997, pp. 2217-2241.
(1992) Aimer encore autrement: François le champi de George Sand, Mimésis et Sémiosis: littérature et représentation: miscellanées offertes à Henri Mitterand, Jean-Pierre Leduc-Adine, Philippe Hamon (eds.), Paris, Nathan, pp. 343-354.
(1990) Intersections discursives: Émile Zola, Fourier, Alfred Fouillée et Gabriel Tarde, Le troisième Zola: Zola après les Rougon-Macquart, G.-C. Menichelli (ed.), Naples, Istituto Universitario Orientale, pp. 539-552.
(1986) Bachtin e il problema degli universali narrativi, Bachtin teorico del dialogoFranco Corona, (ed.), Milan, Italy, Franco Angeli Libri, pp. 275-283.
(1984) Parody/Genre/Ideology, Le singe à la porte: vers une théorie de la parodie, Groupar (Pierre Gobin, Jean-Jacques Hamm, Mary-Lou Kaitting, Clive Thomson, Max Vernet, Anthony Wall, (eds.), New York, Berne, Peter Lang. pp. 95-103.
(1984) Zur Evolution des Bachtin-Kritik, Roman und Gesellschaft: Internationales Michail-Bachtin-Colloquium, Hans-Gunther Hilbert (ed.), Jena, German Democratic Republic, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, pp. 59-69.
(1982) The critical reception of the literary works of Émile Zola, Travaux du Groupe de Recherche International 1900, A.5, pp. 35-43.
(1980) Lettres de 1858 à 1967, Chronologies, La Correspondance d’Émile Zola. Tome I (1858-1867); Chronologies, Tome II (1868-1877), Bard Bakker, Colette Becker, Henri Mitterand (eds.), Montréal and Paris, Presses de l’Université de Montréal and Publications du Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. (in collaboration with Colette Becker, Jeanne Gaillard).
(1978) On Editing Emile Zola’s Novels, Editing Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Jane Milgate (ed.), New York, Garland Press, pp. 83-98.
(2023) Henri Mitterand, à l’écoute des autres: discours de Médan, le 2 octobre 2022, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 97, pp. 327-335.
(2021) Introduction (au dossier ‘Zola et les médecins’), Les Cahiers naturalistes, 95, pp. 9-14 (co-authored with Michael Rosenfeld).
(2021) Lettres inédites de 1893 à 1925 entre Émile Zola, Alexandrine Zola, Georges Saint-Paul et Yvonne Saint-Paul, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 95, pp. 97-126 (co-authored with Michael Rosenfeld).
(2020) There is not one Naturalism but several Naturalisms, Bulletin of the Émile Zola Society, 61-62, pp. 31-39.
(2019) ‘Le sentiment dont nous parlons’: la correspondance de Georges Hérelle, Études françaises, 55.1, pp. 17-31.
(2017) Review article: Sanja Bahun, Dusan Radunovic (eds.), Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions, Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 2012. 250p., Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Sao Paulo, University of Sao Paolo, 12.3, pp. 146-152 (in English), pp. 168-175 (in Portuguese).
(2016) Mikhaïl Bakhtin: His time and Ours, Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso, Sao Paulo, University of Sao Paolo, 11.2, pp. 4-16.
(2015) L’amour pédérastique est pauvre de substance: l’attitude ambivalente de Georges Hérelle à l’égard de l’amour entre garçons, Du convenable et de l’inconvenant dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle, (eds.) Sophie Pelletier, Véronique Cnockaert, Geneviève Sicotte, Les Cahiers Figura, 40, pp. 87-102.
(2010) ‘I speak with my body: my body speaks me’: The Speaking Body, jouissance, and savoir parlé in Encore by Jacques Lacan, Heterity: Psychoanalytic Review, 9, pp. 51-54.
(2006) Dire l’altérité: Les Guérillères de Monique Wittig, Acta Poetica, 27.1, pp. 273-291.
(2002) M. Bakhtin’s ‘Toward a Philosophy of the Act’: Performance and Paranoïa, Dialog. Karnaval. Khronotop, 38.1, pp. 75-108; published in English and Russian in this issue.
(2001) Preface (special issue on ‘Bakhtin in the History and Genealogy of Twentieth-Century Theory’), Dialogism: An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies, 5.6, pp. 84-87.
(2001) Bakhtin News, Literary Research / Recherche littéraire, 18.36, pp. 437-440.
(1998) Dialogisme, psychanalyse et carnavalesque: la réception de Bakhtine en France: entretien avec Julia Kristeva, Recherches Sémiotiques-Semiotic Inquiry, 18.1-2, pp. 15-29; published in Russian: Dialog. Karnaval. Kronotop, 2002, 38.1, pp. 108-133.
(1998) Mikhail Bakhtin, Paul Bouissac (ed.), Encyclopedia of Semiotics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 57-59 (co-authored with Anthony Wall).
(1998) Rabelais and His World, Paul Bouissac (ed.), Encyclopedia of Semiotics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 527-529. (ored with Anthony Wall)
(1987-1990) Editor’s Columns in Queen’s Quarterly: Femanism, 96.2, pp. 573-576; The Temptation to Censor, 95.4, pp. 973-975; Us and Them, 96.4, pp. 1005-1007; In/visible minorities, 95.2, pp. 520-522; The Family Album, 94.4, pp. 1079-1081.
(1996) Bakhtin in France and Québec (special issue on ‘Bakhtin Around the World’), Le Bulletin Bakhtine / The Bakhtin Newsletter, 5, pp. 67-87.
(1995) Zola, la femme, le féminin, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 69, pp. 7-11.
(1994) Le discours du féminin dans Le Docteur Pascal d’Émile Zola et dans La Jongleuse de Rachilde, Excavatio, 4, pp. 13-22.
(1994) Chronic Chronotopicity: Reply to Morson and Emerson, Diacritics, 24.4, pp. 71-77 (co-authored with A. Wall).
(1993) Cleaning Up Bakhtin’s Carnival Act, Diacritics, 23.2, pp. 47-70 (co-authored with A. Wall).
(1993) Dialogical Criticism, (ed.) Irene Makaryk, Dictionary of Contemporary Criticism and Critical Terms, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, pp. 31-34 (co-authored with Thierry Belleguic).
(1993) Bibliography of English and French Translations of Works by the Bakhtin Circle, The University of Ottawa Quarterly (special issue on ‘The Work of Mikhaïl Bakhtin’), 53, pp. 125-126.
(1991) Bakhtin and the Empire of Evil (review article: Mikhaïl Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics
by Gary Saul Morson and Caryl Emerson, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1990, 530p.), The Semiotic Review of Books, 2.4, pp. 9-12.
(1990) Historicity and the Historical Novel in the Work of Mikhail Bakhtin (by Névéna Guéorguiéva-Dikranyan), English translation, from French, by Clive Thomson and Louise Walters, Critical Studies, 1.1/2, pp. 29-46.
(1990) Introduction: Mikhaïl Bakhtin and Shifting Paradigms (special issue on ‘Mikhaïl Bakhtin and the Epistemology of Discourse’), Critical Studies, 2.1/2, pp. 1-12.
(1989) Bakhtin’s Dialogical Poetics, Russian Literature, 26.11, pp. 237-248. Also published, in two Russian translations: Mikhaïl Bakhtin: Pro and Contra, C. H. Kazakov (ed.), vol. 1, Saint-Petersburg, pp. 312-322; Dialog. Karnaval. Khronotop, 1, 1994, pp. 63-69.
(1989) Mikhail Bakhtin and Contemporary Anglo-American Feminist Theory, Critical Studies, 1.2, pp.141-161 (special issue on ‘The Bakhtin Circle Today’), Myriam Diaz-Diocaretz (ed.); published in Michael E. Gardiner (ed.), Mikhaïl Bakhtin, Vol. III, London, Sage Publications, 2003, pp. 86-103.
(1986) Problèmes théoriques de la parodie, Études littéraires, 19.1, pp. 13-19.
(1986) Bakhtinian Méthodologies, Recherches Sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry, 3-4, pp. 372-387.
(1985) L’ébauche de Germinal: exercices d’analyse dialogique? Les Cahiers naturalistes, 59, pp. 55-66.
(1984) Report on the 1983 Meeting of the Canadian Semiotic Association, American Journal of Semiotics, 3.1, pp. 104-107.
(1984) Bakhtin’s Theory of Genre, Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, 9.1, pp. 29-40.
(1984) Bakhtin-Baxtin-Bakhtine-Bachtin-Bakutin: sull’evoluzione della critica bachtiniana, Mikhaïl Bachtin, Nicolo Pasero (ed.), Italy, L’Immagine Riflessa: Rivista di sociologia dei testi (special issue on ‘Saggi su Bachtin’), 1-2, pp. 37-56.
(1983-1996) Bibliographies of Criticism on the Bakhtin Circle. Five issues of Le Bulletin Bakhtine / The Bakhtin Newsletter, Clive Thomson (ed.): 1983, no. 1, 30 p.; 1986, no. 2, 147 p.; 1991, no. 3, 124 p..; 1993, no. 4, 72 p.; no. 5; 1996, no. 5, 274 p.
(1982) Bibliographie de l’œuvre de Georg Lukacs en français, Clive Thomson (ed.), Georg Lukacs et la théorie littéraire contemporaine, special issue of Signum, 1, 164 p. ; published in: Dossiers Pédagogiques de l’Association des Professeurs de Français des Universités et Collèges Canadiens, 1981 (1), 14.
(1980) Une typologie du discours idéologique dans Les Trois Villes d’Émile Zola, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 54, pp. 96-105.
(1980) Zola et la Troisième République: étude idéologique de Paris, Cahiers de l’U.E.R. Froissart: recherches en lettres et sciences humaines, 5, pp. 19-26.
(1978) Une correspondance inédite (première partie): vingt-sept lettres de Marius Roux à Émile Zola (1864-1869), University of Ottawa Quarterly, 48.4, pp. 335-370.
(1976) Discours littéraire et discours idéologique: l’étude génétique des romans de Zola, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 50, pp. 20,2-212.
(1975) Index bibliographique des Cahiers naturalistes (années 1955-1974), Les Cahiers naturalistes, 49, pp. 191-233.
Book reviews
(2021) Dictionnaire des naturalismes par Colette Becker et Pierre-Jean Dufief, 2 vol., Honoré Champion, 2017, 1016p., Dalhousie French Studies: revue d’études littéraire du Canada atlantique, 118, pp. 221-223.
(2018) L’écriture du cycle. Textes réunis et présentés par Olivier Lombroso et Alain Pagès. Genesis, 42 (2016), Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 208p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 92, pp. 377-379.
(2007) Monsieur Vénus: A Materialist Novel by Melanie Hawthorne, Modern Language Association of America, 211p., Nineteenth Century French Studies, 35.3/4, p. 683-686.
(2002) Romancing the Cathedral: Gothic Architecture in Fin-de-Siècle Culture by Elizabeth Emery, State University of New York Press, 2001, 234p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 76, pp. 238-239.
(2001) ‘Lies are meant to be comprehended, the truth is not’: A Review of the Ninth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference, Freie Universität Berlin, 26-30 July, 2000, Dialog, Karnaval, Kronotop, 2, pp 158-166 (in Russian); published in English: Dialogism: An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies, 5-6, pp. 210-217.
(1997) Crisis in Calgary: Some Impressions of ‘Dialogue and Culture’: A Review of the Eighth International Mikhaïl Bakhtin Conference, 20-25 June, 1997, University of Calgary, Canada, Dialog, Karnaval, Kronotop, 4, pp. 166-182; published in English and Russian.
(1994) Thérèse Raquin by Russell Cousins, Grant and Cutler Ltd., Critical Guides to French Texts, 1992, 87p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 68, pp. 249-250.
(1993) L’Assommoir by Roger Clark, Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature, no. 13, 82p., Nineteenth Century French Studies, 21.3/4, pp. 512-513.
(1993) Émile Zola: Correspondance, vol. VIII, Presses de l’Université de Montréal and Presses du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1990, 482p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 67, pp. 285-286.
(1990) Henry Céard: visages du Naturalisme: cinq textes inédits en librarie by Colin Burns, Mestengo Press, 153p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 64, pp. 272-273.
(1989) Expérimentation et adaptation: essai sur la méthode naturaliste d’Émile Zola by Janice Best, Corti, 1986, 244p., Nineteenth Century French Studies, 17.1/2, pp. 247-249.
(1987) Critical Essays on Emile Zola by David Baguley, G. K. Hall, 1986, 198p., Nineteenth Century French Studies, 15.3, pp. 328-329.
(1986) Palimpsestes by Gérard Genette, Éditions du Seuil,1982, 467p., Études littéraires, 19.1, pp. 159-63.
(1986) A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Forms by Linda Hutcheon, Methuen, 1985, 143p., Études littéraires, 19.1, pp. 163-166.
(1984) Émile Zola: Correspondance, Vol. III, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal and Les Presses du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1982, 543p., Les Cahiers naturalistes, 58, pp. 222-224.
(2017) Fières archives: documents d’homosexuels ‘fin de siècle’. International exhibition, held at the City Hall of the 4e arrondissement in Paris, June 1 to August 31, 2017: contained manuscripts, autograph letters, photographs, and books documenting the lives of homosexual men in 19th-century France, Germany, Italy, Spain, England, and the United States. The archival materials came from two public collections (the municipal libraries in Troyes and Lyon) and from two private collections (Émile Zola family archives and Saint-Paul family archives). The exhibition included a total of approximately 400 items, Clive Thomson, Philippe Artières, curators.